Contact Us
Julia Pontarelli, Ed.D., CSBO
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Personnel
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (815) 385-7900 x 2260
Email: pontarellijulia@dist156.org
Gabriela Delgadillo
Human Resources Generalist
Phone: (815) 385-7900 x 2021
Email: delgadillogabriela@dist156.org
Denise Galasso
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Personnel
Phone: (815) 385-7900 x 2025
Email: galassodenise@dist156.org
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department oversees hiring and retaining our outstanding faculty, support staff and administrators. In addition to providing benefit information and support for current employees, the human resources department assists in creating board policies and ensures compliance with state and federal laws.
Employment Opportunities
Effective January 14, 2020, McHenry Community High School District 156 changed its hiring application platform to TalentEd Hire. If you are looking to view current job openings or start an application for employment, please click on this link for TalentEd Hire.
Qualified candidates will be contacted if an interview is to be arranged.
Interested in Substitute Teaching?
If you already hold a valid Substitute Teaching License through the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and are interested in substitute teaching in McHenry District 156, please complete an employment application.
If you are interested in substitute teaching but do not hold a substitute teaching license, please see this link for information from ISBE on how to obtain a substitute teaching license.
Interested in a Student Services Internship?
McHenry CHSD 156 is looking for student services interns for this school year. If you are interested in completing your student services internship in District 156, please send your academic resume to the Assistant Principal for Student Services, Patrice Frederick, at frederickpatrice@dist156.org.
¡Hablamos Español!
Si desea comunicarse con una representante de Recursos Humanos en español, por favor llame y pregunte por Gabriela al (815) 385-7900.