Spanish Instructor Otto Corzo is creating a space in his classroom to display reflections from each student. He's invited students to submit collages of photos that represent them. This way, students see themselves in the classroom even while working remotely.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Spanish Heritage collage
McHenry High School students are invited to enter the VFW's annual Voice of Democracy scholarship essay competition. The deadline is Oct. 31, and this year's theme is “Is this the country our founders envisioned?” For details, click here:
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
VFW Voice of Democracy
Join MCHS Student Services staff on Sept. 21 or Sept. 25 for a virtual discussion on teen depression, including common signs and symptoms. A powerpoint and FAQ will be posted later for those who can't attend. Contact Maura Reid at with questions.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Teen depression virtual meeting
Yearbook distribution continues this week for anyone not able to pick up their 2019-2020 yearbook last week. Yearbooks will be available by security from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday at both East and West. Use the south entrance at West and the east entrance at East.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
2019-20 yearbook
Students who will be 16 in time for the Nov. 3 election are eligible to serve as student election judges. Training is provided by McHenry County. To apply, visit: For more information, contact Stacy Rockweiler at
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Election judges 2020
Please see the link below for our current job postings including a recently added nurse position at West Campus, and office assistant in the East Campus nurse's office.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
job posting photo
West Campus Key Club members recently made more than 400 “thinking of you” cards for residents at Alden Terrace, White Oaks, Heritage Woods, and Fox Point. Great job!
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
West Key Club cards
Congratulations to MCHS senior Logan Lucas who recently returned from Army Basic Combat Training to finish senior year and graduate with his Class of 2021. Thank you for your service!
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Logan Lucas
To honor today's anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, MCHS social science teachers are sharing resources to teach students about that fateful day. Click the link to see a list of reading, videos and activities compiled by our educators. #September11
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Sept. 11, 2001
Sept. 11, 2001
MCHS "Warrior" yearbook staffers held the first in a series of distribution events Tuesday for the 2019-20 yearbook. Anyone who ordered a yearbook can pick it up from 3:30-4:30 p.m. today and Thursday at East Campus. Read more here:
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Yearbook distribution
Yearbook distribution
Yearbook distribution
yearbook distribution
2019-20 yearbooks: Anyone who ordered a yearbook can pick it up from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at East Campus. This includes 2020 graduates who ordered yearbooks. For details, click here:
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Warrior 2019-20 yearbook
Please enjoy this great Northwest Herald article featuring MCHS' Gracie Gasmann and other fall athletes who are trying new sports this fall in light of COVID-19 restrictions.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Gracie Gasmann
As a reminder, there's no school Monday, and MCHS buildings are closed for the Labor Day holiday.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Labor Day 2020
Attention MCHS seniors and families: MCHS is hosting our first virtual Senior Parent Night at 6 p.m. Sept. 17 over Zoom. It includes information on the college application and FAFSA application process. Read more here:
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Virtual Senior Night
Auditions for the fall Drama Club season at both East and West Campus will be held next week on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 9-10. Students can contact Mr. Hillier at East ( or Mrs. May at West ( with questions.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Fall Drama Club 2020
Fall Drama Club 2020
More than 130 seniors returned Friday morning to take a practice SAT exam at West Campus. It was great to see students walk back into the building! All MCHS seniors will take the SAT on Sept. 23. Good luck seniors!
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Practice SAT Sept. 4
Practice SAT Sept. 4
Practice SAT Sept. 4
The MCHS Warrior Buddies student club is looking for new members! The club's first meeting of the year is Sept. 8. Click on the photos for details.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
Warrior Buddies flyer
Warrior Buddies flyer
MCHS student activities are starting to meet virtually. Click the link for a list of clubs and activities, along with contact information for advisors.
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
MCHS student activities
See how McHenry High School teachers are rising to the challenge of digital learning in this story and broadcast from WBBM Chicago Radio. Thank you to WBBM! Click here:
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek
WBBM features McHenry High School teachers
MCHS District 156 educators started a new Twitter chat this school year to share ideas and information. #WarriorEdChat, which came out of the Warrior EDU professional learning group, is at 8 p.m. every other Wednesday. Check it out! #ILSchoolsStepUp
over 4 years ago, Amy Maciaszek