1:1 Technology Plans/Chromebooks

McHenry High School believes in the importance of providing anytime, anywhere access to learning for all students is imperative. Teaching and learning today is dramatically different than it was in previous decades due to the availability to information and resources to be accessed outside of the traditional classroom walls and outside of the traditional hours of the school day. As part of the Vision 156 Innovation Plan, MCHS provides all students their own district-owned Chromebook to be used in class as well as learning away from school.

The Case for 1:1 and Why Student Access to Devices is Imperative in D156

  • Access to Learning for all - anywhere and anytime (35%-40% FRAM)

  • Bridging the Digital Divide - our world is a digital one

  • College Readiness expectations

  • Career Readiness expectations

  • Ability to change/modify instructional delivery methods of education at MCHS

  • Engagement/motivation of students responsible for their own learning

  • Technological capabilities of feeder districts and expectations of parents

  • Logistical efficiency advantages over shared cart environments - minutes lost and hassle of the shared carts

  • Benefits to security when students are issued their own devices

  • Landscape of Textbook industry creates online/replacement opportunities for students and their curricular media

  • Free up existing computer lab space

** MCHS reserves the right to issue a student a less expensive or used Chromebook in the event of repeated damage or when students demonstrate lack of responsibility.

Note: The MCHS coverage structure does not cover dishonest, fraudulent, intentional, or criminal acts. These examples could result in 100% of damage or replacement cost to the parents and further consequences for the student. Cases of theft require a police report and will be investigated.