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Student Success
What is the Purpose of the Student Success Report?
This periodic report is designed to help the parent and the student understand the key metrics of student success and progress towards college and career readiness. MCHS looks forward to helping all students improve and grow to open doors for their future! These metrics are key areas related to college and career readiness. MCHS seeks to help every student gain the skills necessary to succeed in whatever postsecondary path they choose!
Who can I talk to if I still have questions about the information?
If you have questions or concerns about data that may be missing or inaccurate please email datadashboard@dist156.org. If you have questions about how to improve or any other academic information please contact your school counselor or case manager.
How often will MCHS provide this report to students and parents ?
MCHS will generate a new Student Success Report in mid-fall prior to fall testing and conferences, late January prior to spring testing, and early summer after the conclusion of the school year.
Where does this data come from ?
MCHS accumulates this data from a variety of sources. The key metrics are assembled for each student to see in their “Warrior Dashboard”. This dashboard can be accessed by the students on their chromebooks. The Warrior Dashboard serves as a four-year look at their progress towards college and career readiness and the Distinguished Warrior honor. Students can track their PSAT growth, log community service hours, and build their Warrior Resume inside this dashboard. Parents are encouraged to review this information with their students several times a year.