The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes and encourages the development of a high level of linguistic skills among biliterate high school students, and reaches out to our community, highlighting the value of our diverse language heritage.
In addition to students who speak a language other than English at home, many of the students in District 156 gain language proficiency by enrolling in language courses such as French, German, or Spanish. The Seal of Biliteracy seeks to acknowledge the achievements of both of these student populations.
Not only does the Seal of Biliteracy boost job credentials and honor the ethnic diversity in our community, it also promotes English literacy, earns a student college credit for foreign language at public colleges and universities in Illinois, and provides an incentive for students to gain proficiency in a language other than English.
In order to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, students must demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking, and listening proficiency in English and one other language on a state-approved proficiency exam or alternative assessment. It should be noted that students are responsible for paying for the exam (approximately $30).
Any student meeting the requirements for either the State Seal of Biliteracy or the State Commendation toward Biliteracy will have the award listed on their high school transcripts. Students will be recognized at Senior Honors Night and graduation to acknowledge their accomplishment.
To learn more about this award and how to sign up, please bookmark our webpage or contact Kelsey Podgorski at podgorskikelsey@dist156.org..